15 min.
18 min.
Pronta in:
43 min.

Basic cupcakes topped with spaghetti-piped vanilla buttercream frosting, chocolate truffles as meatballs, with strawberry sauce! Great fun to make with the kids and they look great for parties and bakesales.


  • 1 packet vanilla cupcake mix
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 175g butter, softened
  • 300g icing sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 box Ferrero Rocher® or chocolate truffles
  • 1 tub stawberry tart sauce or jam


1Make up vanilla mix according to the instructions on the packet. You will need the egg and water here. Leave the cupcakes to completely cool.

2While cupcakes cool make up buttercream icing: add soft butter and icing sugar and vanilla, and whisk until light and creamy, about 5 minutes.

3Use butter cream with an icing bag or syringe with a small nozzzle, and pipe random spaghetti strands on top of the cupcakes. Top each cupcake with one truffle and pour strawberry sauce sparingly over top to trickle down.

4Cakes are ready eat and enjoy!